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Lady Gaga isnt seen pole dancing on stage like a young Miley Cyrus, Cheap Mac Makeup not arrested for being intoxicated while driving, shes not jailed for snorting cocaine, nor is she posing nude in Playboy. What she is doing is writing her very own award-winning songs, performing in highest rated videos, winning fashion awards and simply plain working hard at her craft. Not forgetting, Mac Makeup Wholesale actually is providing much needed financial support for others in need of funds. Isnt this what all parents want of these children to operate hard and stay successful at something these are passionate about?Its true that Gagas fashion sense is unconventional. But conversely, she actually is demonstrating individuality. Some claim that her fishnet stockings, quirky sunglasses and boots make her seem like a hooker, but she isnt showing her most intimate parts. She has been criticized in most circles on her bikini bottoms and leotards to slutty, but do they blink a close look when Britney Spears,Mac Makeup Brushes Beyonce or Rhianna dress exactly the same?There is not any doubt that the majority of Gagas fans are teens and tweens, with many being girls. However, a sizable group of Lady Gagas followers are from the gay community. In reality, Kesha has indicated a lot of her initial success of becoming a mainstream artist was due to support of her gay fans. Today, jane is considered to be an evergrowing gay icon. Gaga said that her popular song Poker Face is all about her bisexuality. Shes also an advocate for repeal the United States military Dont Ask, Dont Tell policy along with a supporter of voting for legislation that could repeal it. The Advocate, a lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender magazine, wholesale mac makeup has changed into a real fierce advocate for lesbians and gays.Moreover, Gaga has createdit a focus to coach ladies in regards to the perils of AIDS and HIV. In collaboration with Cheap Mac Makeup and Cindi Lauper, a Viva Glam lipstick line was released to aid the HIV and AIDS awareness cause. All net results of the campaign were donated in order to avoid AIDS and HIV worldwide.Gay Community Followers.