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During service on Christmas eve, Canon Tong called on the congregation to continue to pray to God for peace in the country concerning the recently held general elections. The smooth handing over ceremony ended speculations and strong rumours that were making the rounds in the Ethiopian capital that Brother Gaddafi was lobbying the African leaders to take the AU leadership for the second time. The smooth handing over ceremony ended speculations and strong rumours that were making the rounds in the Ethiopian capital that Brother Gaddafi was lobbying the African leaders to take the AU leadership for the second time. The smooth handing over ceremony ended speculations and strong rumours that were making the rounds in the Ethiopian capital that Brother Gaddafi was lobbying the African leaders to take the AU leadership for the second time. "This leaves us much too far from the World Food Summit goal set in 1996, to cut by half the number of hungry people by 2015," he said. Mr Boakye paid tribute to non-governmental organizations NGOs for their complementary role especially in the areas of education and the fight against the deadly HIV AIDS. A comparison of the CNT and ?IFC? transactions show the following alarming common features, which could not have been coincidental: a Both Companies propose to lend US 300 million and above to the Ghana Government upon the issuance of Guarantees; in the case of the CNT, a Bank of Ghana Guarantee, and in the case of the ?IFC? a ?Sovereign Guarantee?; b Both Companies are to provide long-term loans with repayment periods stretching over 20 years; c The loans are from undisclosed private sources in both cases; d The interest rates are ridiculously low in both cases; 2. The smooth handing over ceremony ended speculations and strong rumours that were making the rounds in the Ethiopian capital that Brother Gaddafi was lobbying the African leaders to take the AU leadership for the second time. This is leading to the institutionalisation of crime and corruption.
According to Dr Mills, who was also a member of the late President Mills Economic Management Team, President Mills ?final moments, were marked with a submission to his Maker. The smooth handing over ceremony ended speculations and strong rumours that were making the rounds in the Ethiopian capital that Brother Gaddafi was lobbying the African leaders to take the AU leadership for the second time. He said currently, all the other sectors of the Ivorian economy like production of cocoa and coffee were still vibrant and ocoa production remained number one industry in the country ? Comments:This article has 3, A member of the legal team of the ruling National Democratic Congress NDC Mr David Annan has revealed that former President Kufuor and his Chief of Staff, Kwadwo Mpiani, as well as Dr. Other related accusations leveled against the official by residents were his questionable behaviour in the last district assembly elections in which he was said to have been hosted by some of the candidates when he toured the electoral areas to mount campaign platforms there; but the embattled Ashiadey denied them all.